“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” - Jesus (Matthew 19:14)
Does God have a head? Why did God make mosquitoes? What’s it all mean? From seemingly silly to profound, kids ask amazing questions. We encourage their inquisitiveness. We need their frankness. Kids are welcome and cherished and well-loved at Lutheran Church of Peace! Below are ways to engage your children in faith practices to keep the questions coming.

Sunday School
Meets from 9:30 -10:00 am for 3 year olds through 4th graders. We sing, hear stories from the Bible that are the same ones we’ll hear in worship, pray, do craft and science projects or play games to help us know God’s word for us today. Sunday School runs September through May.
To volunteer to help with Sunday School email Danielle Morrison.
All of our adult volunteers who spend time with kids go through a background check.

Kids in Worship
We love having kids in worship! The occasional noises they might make are really joyful for us! We’ve even created a space up front for our littlest ones with soft mats and soft toys. If more wiggle room is needed, there is a nook with books and chairs just outside the sanctuary and a nursery down the hall with toys and games.
The Children’s Message during Worship
Often the kids teach us something that they have learned during Sunday School. And THEY always teach US so much about faith and life!
March 17, 2024
Birthday Cake in a Pan
The Church donated items for the youth to assemble birthday cakes in pans. These were then delivered to homeless shelters for families to celebrate birthdays!

JULY 11, 2024
Family Hangout - Starlight Cinema
Some of the youth gathered at a local outdoor cinema event. There were games, STEM activities, food trucks, and the Super Mario Bros Movie!
Family Camp at Lake Wapogasset

Youth and families took to family camp at Camp Wapo where they played games, enjoyed water activities, sang songs, and connected with their faith and community.