It's our goal to have kids know they are loved by God and us!

Kids Ministry
We gather about once a month for fun activities and service projects that involve just the kids and sometimes the whole family.
Upcoming activities:
Afton Apple: Saturday, September 28 from 11:00-2:00
Pumpkin Painting: Sunday, October 13 after worship
Trunk or Treat: Saturday, October 26 from 3:00-5:00
Sunday School
For youth ages 3 years through 4th grade. We meet every Sunday at 9:30am in the lower level at LCP. We sing, hear a Bible story, do related activities and share our wonderings about the God who loves us just the way we are! Contact the church office or Beth Zimmerman to register or volunteer.

Bridging Group for 5-7th graders
Sundays at 9:30am a new group is gathering with Danielle Morrison, our youth director, to continue faith conversations as they prepare to enter confirmation. They also get to join in the fun family and service activities each month. Recently they:
- played Bingo with residents at Oak Meadows Senior Living
To learn more about this group contact Danielle at
High School Ministry (7th-12th)
We are partnering with Humble Walk Church in St Paul for youth group. We will meet the first Sunday of the month from 5-6:30 pm at Humble Walk. Danielle will be going with you. (except for October 6 when Pastor Liz is going instead). Let Danielle know if you're interested in this fun opportunity!
Contact Danielle at for more info.